Soulful Monthly Membership
Every month

Sweet community connection for your soul

✓ Moon themed Meditation added each month
✓ Unlimited access to meditations
✓ Monthly online group check in and connection
Bliss Monthly Membership
Every month

This is a container to really be supported and nurtured.

✓ Monthly Kinesiology session- in person
✓ Moon themed Meditations added each month
✓ Unlimited access to meditations
✓ Monthly online group check in & connection
Bliss Monthly Online
Every month

This is a container to really be supported and nurtured.

✓ Monthly Kinesiology session- online
✓ Moon themed Meditations added each month
✓ Unlimited access to meditations
✓ Monthly online group check in & connection
Sweet Seasonal Membership
Every month

Monthly connection and support plus a seasonal Kinesiology balance (every 3 months)

✓ Seasonal Kinesiology session- by distance or in person
✓ Unlimited lifetime access to monthly meditations
✓ Moon based meditation added each month
✓ Monthly online group check in & connection