Meet Baillie

Baillie Dick

Kinesiologist, Yoga Instructor (500 hr Hatha, 200 hr Ashtanga, 100 hr Functional Yin, Undoing Asana Certified.)

I have a real passion for all things natural. I believe we are all light beings and innately deserve to be thriving. I deeply respect the original custodians & caretakers of this land, Gubbi Gubbi Country. I am in complete reverence and service to source energy. This is the real magic.

My passion for Yoga began in 2010. I felt such ease within my body and clarity within in my mind after just a few classes. This was so much greater than I anticipated. It’s a real pleasure to be able to share this with others.

My passion for Kinesiology began in 2018- my Chiropractor at the time, using kinesiology, brought a pattern to my awareness that I had been unconsciously living out. This awareness had a huge impact on me and began the journey of internal work to release myself from this cycle. I stepped forward lighter and empowered, ready to dive deep into the magic of Kinesiology.

Be in your Bliss.