Bliss Yoga & Kinesiology

The approach

My approach is to look at your WHOLE being - structurally, energetically, emotionally, nutritionally and spiritually. I use muscle testing to assess the energy flow within the body and uncover any weak areas. Your body is guiding the way to healing. Symptoms are just the bodies way of alerting us of an imbalance. The body will speak in whispers first, but so often this fast-paced lifestyle that many of us are living, sees us missing the whispers and the body will speak louder and louder to get the attention and care needed. Upon uncovering weak areas, completely natural remedies are used to spark healing in your body. Your being wants to be absolutely thriving and this is possible, this is your truth.


In-person and remote options

Currently offering sessions from my home in Reesville as well as online via Teams and the option for me to come to you!

“I wish I could rate more than 5 stars for my experience with Baillie! From the moment I stepped into the room, I felt completely at ease and ready to surrender. The kinesiology session was very insightful and helpful.
I've already recommended Baillie to my friend who was also happy with her session.”


Start your healing today.